This article was a great eye-opener about the benefits and potential problems of wiki pages. Although I have trouble sometime incorporating technology into my lesson plans, a classroom wiki is a great opportunity to not only use technology but receive participation from students as well. Wikis are collaborative web pages to share loads of information. As mentioned in the article, Wikipedia, which I personally use on a daily basis, is a great example of a wiki page. Wikipedia shows us how large and worldwide a wiki can actually grow!
In one of my previous classes, I was assigned to create my own wiki-page. The site itself was relatively easy to navigate, and the steps the build the page were straight forward. After working with the site for a little while, I was really able to get the hang of things and build on my own creativity. In a teaching perspective, a wiki is a great way to build upon students creativity as well. I see a huge future for wikis in the education field. It is the perfect tool for team collaboration and additional technology use!